Would you like to deepen your Reiki experience in community? A chance to explore Reiki and your questions about it? Then join Linda and Marcia for this 3-part series. Sessions go from 7:00 to 9:00p and will be held on the Zoom platform.
Apart from the formal trainings in Reiki Levels 1, 2 and Master, Marcia and Linda worked weekly with Katherine Dufrane to learn how to “listen” to energy and to query it directly, and how to “see” clearly by practicing deep forms of non-doership, which let us receive impressions without expectation or narrowing of perspective. The ability to ask questions in and of Reiki energy itself happens as we develop trust in, and familiarity with, the intuitive wisdom each of us possess. In this 3-part series on receiving answers directly in Reiki session, we will practice formulating questions that are clean of any trace of self-criticism. Which questions we take as a group will depend in part on the group’s interests. They can be questions about the subtle body itself, direct experience of a chakra or koshic level, for example. Or questions about how to communicate silently with the person to whom you are giving Reiki in a session. Or questions that invite guidance on some troubling life’s challenge.
This ongoing exploration is appropriate for new Reiki practitioners or experienced Masters. This process is always relevant and rich for each of us, and is always surprising and amazing, no matter how many miracles we have witnessed before.