Author Archive for: admin

I Tried A Yoga Challenge. Hereā€™s What Happened

When I heard about the 2018 Wanderlust 21-Day Yoga Challenge, I was going through a difficult time. I had just moved back to Los Angeles from New York and was unemployed, living on my brotherā€™s couch. I figured the Challenge was a way to focus my energies on something other than my resume and job hunting. It was that, and so much more.

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Hata Dosha Yoga ?

Hata constitution of the body is the imbalance which is characterized by cold, mobility, buoyancy and size. Those who have this type can customize their yoga practice to bring back the balance. Hata dosha yoga basically helps one to reestablish the qualities of warmness, firmness and proper training to focus on establishing a natural state of well-being. Practicing yoga for vata body type can help bring equilibrium, tranquility and sustenance faster than any other way.
