
Hata Dosha Yoga ?

Hata constitution of the body is the imbalance which is characterized by cold, mobility, buoyancy and size. Those who have this type can customize their yoga practice to bring back the balance. Hata dosha yoga basically helps one to reestablish the qualities of warmness, firmness and proper training to focus on establishing a natural state of well-being. Practicing yoga for vata body type can help bring equilibrium, tranquility and sustenance faster than any other way.

Slow Yoga Revolution

On the outskirts of the last decade, a small and humble minority has been pushing back against the pumped up power craze that swept through the nineties, and still largely has a hold on modern postural yoga. Now that the longstanding kingdoms that once guarded yoga’s legacies have fallen, and individuals are left more to their own devices, this once obscure and unsung song is finding a new chorus of practitioners.
