

Yoga Nidra for Sleep: Guided Meditations for Relaxation and Rest

Hermosa 29/10/2019 0 comments 0

Yoga nidra not only improves the quality of your sleep, it can also help you feel happier, healthier, more relaxed and more energetic. CAN I FIT YOGA NIDRA INTO MY LIFE? Yoga nidra is a very straightforward practice, and can fit into even the busiest of schedules. (Looking at you moms with screaming kids!) Even if your work week is…


Hermosa 29/10/2019 0 comments 0

We come to our mats to practice yoga not only when we are happy and content with our life. More often, we seek refuge on our yoga mats when times are tough. Really tough. The practice is always waiting for us, meeting us wherever we are emotionally, physically and mentally. It’s our time to gain strengths, really drop into our…

Defining Pranyama – Breath and Prana

Hermosa 28/04/2016 0 comments 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus et ex erat. Cras molestie sapien tristique dui bibendum feugiat. Nunc orci sem, tempus vel fringilla quis, fermentum fermentum felis. Quisque viverra nulla at ipsum sodales imperdiet. Fusce hendrerit at ipsum mattis ullamcorper. Aliquam tincidunt aliquam metus, at viverra ex pharetra nec. Sed dolor nisi, posuere at feugiat eget, consectetur sit…