

The Meaning Of Namaste

Hermosa 29/10/2019 0 comments 0

The most unfamiliar part of my first few yoga classes wasn’t the ambient music. It wasn’t the contradictory cue to “bend down with a straight spine.” It wasn’t the funny names of the poses. It was the teacher ending the class with her hands in prayer position and saying “Namaste” as she bowed to the class. The rest of the…

The Secrets To A Strong Core and Radiant Health

jordi.planas 28/04/2016 1 comments 7

Inspired by Wim Hof, aka ‘The Iceman’, Esther offers a routine that will help strengthen your core and give you radiant health. In this article I’d like to discuss and outline a routine, inspired by the Dutch ‘Iceman’, Wim Hof and his cold training method. This simple routine involves Pranayama, a few yoga asanas (postures) and a cold shower. The…